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Last week, I had 3 different scans. On Wednesday, May 31, I had the PET scan and brain MRI. On Friday, I had a mammogram. I got the results of my mammogram Friday afternoon but had to wait until today when I met with Dr. Baltz to get the results from the other two. So, here they are:

Mammogram was clear. No sign of breast cancer. Was still grateful even though it didn't really tell me anything about the spread of the cancer that I have.

Brain MRI was clear; "no intracranial or calvarial metastasis."

PET scan. Now this is the one I was concerned about. To be clear, I never doubted God. I just didn't know if He would deliver me FROM the spread of cancer or THROUGH the spread of cancer. I was so relieved when the PET scan showed one 2.1 cm lesion on my liver, and that was it! "No hypermetabolic lesions present within the spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands, or kidneys." "No hypermetabolic...lymph nodes are present." "No evidence of metastatic disease within the neck or chest." Just the one spot on my liver. It will be treated with the Y-90 treatment which will be used to deliver radioactive beads into the blood vessels directly leading to the tumor. Just waiting for that to be scheduled.

Iron infusion tomorrow even though I am thrilled that my hemoglobin was 10.4 which means I added about 2 pints of blood on my own in 2 weeks. Red meat, spinach, and beets paid off!

Chemo will start on June 12th. The Avastin will be postponed until 4 weeks post Y-90 treatment.

Bottom line, I couldn't have been more relieved! Now I am exhausted and going to bed. I think I have really and truly breathed for the first time in 6 weeks.

Thank You, Father, for delivering me from the spread of cancer. All Glory to You!

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