In less than 24 hours, I will be rid of Elmer Fudge! Can I get an AMEN?! Yeah, that's what Jadyn and I named it. Something that large deserves a name. We named my ovarian cyst the size of a cantaloupe, too. (It was "Mr. Goo" a character Kathy Bates played in a terrific move called "West Side Waltz".) That was a successful surgery in 2008, and this will be one, too. Claiming it!
I had a 2-day colonoscopy prep beginning yesterday. Given that I have been strictly liquids since Thursday, the prep has not been bad at all. That is just one more in a long list of "God Things" that I have experienced through all of this.
While I obviously wish this weren't happening, I must admit that I am finding some real joy in this situation. The downside to listing them is forgetting something, but I am going to name a couple.
First, I have had the privilege of watching God so obviously working in my life. I'm sure He's worked in ways that I don't even know about, but the ones I do know have left me speechless. As the saying goes, God showed up and showed out! From making Elmer stub his toe or whatever it was that made that thing ulcerate so we would know something was wrong to how he worked out the surgeon, just everything has been in His hands.
This has made me slow down. Anyone who knows me knows that is something I don't like to do. I like to be busy. Yes, I like to do things by myself where I can be alone with my thoughts, but I usually like to be doing something like hiking. I don't really like to stay at home. Never have. Honestly, this has not kept me at home either, given that Jadyn and I went to TCWR this weekend. I guess it's the time away from work and being home on a workday. And it's only Wednesday! The quantity doesn't matter, but the quality does, and I have had some high-quality time. The television has stayed off. I have talked with God continuously and listened to Him through his word.
Like I mentioned in the beginning, because of my liquid diet, the colonoscopy prep was "over" in time for me to go to choir practice. I love them so much, and tonight I found out just how much they love me. At the end, Jon asked to remember me in prayer. I had so many gather around me praying for me as Jon led the choir in prayer. Tears streamed down my face, not because I was sad or anxious, but because of how much love I felt from them and from God. THIS is one of the biggest benefits of being a child of God--the spiritual family you are born again into. Some of you reading this will know exactly what I'm talking about. Some of you may not. Trust me, it is a perk you do not want to miss out on!
I have to thank my mom friends, DaMoms. This blog was started by them and for them, and I have totally hijacked it, and I ain't sorry one bit! Seriously, I am so glad Lisa and LJ listened to God several years ago to start this because God has provided this medium for me on two of life's most difficult occasions. I love all of you more than you will ever know. Now, the rest of you get to writing!
Father God, I thank you for everything and everyone You have brought into my life. I know all things work together for good, not just all good things. Thank You, Father, for helping me realize what it truly means to "count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds." This is joy unspeakable because there are no words. Father, thank You for the peace I feel and have felt through all of this. I know You are sovereign, and I trust in that. I pray for Jadyn. Lord, strengthen him. Give him Your peace that passes all understanding. Father, hold him close. God, I pray for my surgery tomorrow. I pray that You direct Dr. Marotti to get every bit of cancer that is in my body. Strengthen me to recover quickly and completely so I can face the next part of this process. Guide everything according to Your will. Father, give me opportunity and courage to proclaim this testimony wherever and whenever I can. I pray all of this in the Name of Jesus because without His sacrifice I could not enter into your presence and talk to You, my Abba Father, my Papa God, Amen.
Now, let's get this done! Bye Bye, Elmer!!!
Praise Jesus!! I am so thankful for your outcome and not a bit surprised by Jadyn’s actions. The t-shirt I have on right now says But God and absolutely! All the time!